Creepy crawlies

By joolsie - 28/02/2010 02:03 - United Kingdom

Today, after a particularly gruesome nightmare about spiders due to my irrational phobia, I decided to try and desensitise myself by googling 'house spiders'. I can't stop the feeling of something crawling over every inch of my body, but at least I now know they can live up to six years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 736
You deserved it 7 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why did I have to read this right before I go to bed...

PsychoMerk 0

It's ok OP, I have an irrational phobia of owls... yet my favorite place to eat is Hooters... the irony makes me ashamed of myself :(


denbeste 3

Spiders are CUTE! Enough said.

spiders are only scary if they are crawling on you otherwise I don't care (unless they are poisonous in which case i walk away quickly

eeek sqiash it squash it! its a flyswatter bit itll have to do HURRY!!! [#]----- Grab it!!!!¡

UKfan97 0

omg i have a phobia of spiders 2 and now im laying in my bed afraid tht somethings gunna crawl in my mouth....but i dont think i sleep with my mout open but still,, im petrified now;; thanks for posting this... :(

it is not an irrational fear they are discusting. keep your room dirty they like clean. and get a cat.

Actually you would keep your room clean. Keeping a dirty room would attract other pest and bugs that in turn attract spiders :)

Thanks for letting me know that needed piece of information to feed my own phobias.

Thanks for letting me know that needed piece of information to feed my own phobias.

I clicked YDI - not because you deserve to have a phobia, but you deserve the FML for googling the object of your phobia before you go to bed. Durrr. That being said, if it's a genuine phobia and not just a strong dislike/fear, you need real help, not harebrained self-therapy. Seriously, in whose mind is it a good idea to pull up a bunch of pictures of something you're terrified of right before you go to sleep?

OP, in London Zoo they do this Friendly Spider Programme. In a day, most people are able to pick up spiders. It worked on me, I'm free from what was once my phobia. And I only had 15 minutes hypnosis because we went there on a school trip. (then again, I found out at Derren Brown's live show that hypnosis works well on me. Have the whole day thing and it will almost definitely work on you. It's worth it, I promise!)