Conversational skills

By no_leather_of_any_kind - 07/04/2009 07:08 - United States

Today, I went on a date with this girl I met online. The conversation drifted and we were talking about how we'd prefer to die, if we had a choice. I said, "I want to skydive over the ocean without a parachute." She said she wants to be made into a wallet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 515
You deserved it 9 691

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her to go to a wallet making factory

whocaresnotme 0

what the heck???? how bout u never talk to her ever again


This one is just out there. She is going to turn into a serial killer or something crazy.

This one is just out there. She is going to turn into a serial killer or something crazy.

christopherlove 0

#61 was the first person to get it! She's a bloody golddigger and needs to be around cash after she dies. The girl he liked turned out to be a shallow freak. That's why it's a FML.

ksemetal211 0

A ham wallet to be precise.

paleknight47 0

Can I buy her when she dies? Pleeeeaaaasssseeee

dyingtolive77 0

35- that is probably the funniest thing ive ever heard

rayrayy_fml 0

My ex wanted to be cremated and his ashes compressed into a "diamond" to give to his child.

Sappho_fml 0

Perhaps she just has a weird sense of humor, because I found this hilarious!

YDI for being such a tool! "skydive over the ocean without a parachute..." if i were on a date with you i, too, would say anything to get you never to call me again!!!!