
By Anonymous - 06/04/2009 17:15 - United States

Today, I was going on a dinner date with a girl I had just met. After I picked her up I asked her if she would like to get lobster. She looked at me and asked if those were the red ones. Confused I nodded. She replied, "Sorry, I don't eat red meat." I laughed. She was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 614
You deserved it 6 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, I'd say it's an fml because the dude apparently can't find any dates that are smarter than a box of rocks.


lolacaust 0

So shes either six and your a creeper. Or shes a blond with an IQ that matches her shoe size. Either way sucks to be you

LOLOLOLOL I swear this is the best FML on here....SO SO Funny!!! oh my gosh..dying of laughter

#52, you just opened my mind. I will no longer think of blondes as dumb bitches. Now I will just think of them as bitches ;). Stereotypes happen. is not exactly the best place to go about changing them.

turtlellama 0

LOL, there are so many people that don't know what "anonymous" means, it's pretty sad. =D

#62 - FHL = F**** her life Like FML, FYL...just think of what the middle letter would be

Singularity_fml 0

Is this the only girl you could get to go on a date with you?