By Anonymous - 06/04/2009 19:08 - United States

Today, I was on my way to meet some friends for lunch. As I was parking, one of their cell phones accidentally called mine. As I walked to the restaurant, I listened in as some of my best friends discussed all the things they hate about me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 88 159
You deserved it 5 114

lespaul_fml tells us more.

I posted this FML and just wanted to say that A) I am, in fact, a guy and these are guy friends B) The phone was on the table, not in a pocket. C) one of them literally is my best friend for the past 4 years and D) one of them came over later on that day and we had a long talk about it and mended things up.

Top comments

Something similar happened to me once. My mother took a road trip with some of her friends and her cellphone accidentally called mine. I got to hear all about how her life would have been so much better if she'd never had me. Trust me; it gets better after a while. You're luckier, though: You can easily distance yourself from those so-called "friends."


SilenceIsSilver 0

Exactly what I was thinking. This does not sound like an accident to me. You should slapahoe.

I agree with #1. It could be karma kicking them in the ass though. Your "Best Friends" suck.

TurtleGenius 0

Is sulfuric acid easily obtainable where you live?

Something similar happened to me once. My mother took a road trip with some of her friends and her cellphone accidentally called mine. I got to hear all about how her life would have been so much better if she'd never had me. Trust me; it gets better after a while. You're luckier, though: You can easily distance yourself from those so-called "friends."

After reading this comment I feel so sad! :( Big hug for you #7! (>•.•)>

Meh, could be a good thing, make you change your annoying ways. Unless they were just being venomous bastards, then it's time to up the ante on the annoying XD

Tell us more, what did they hate exactly ;) That would've been even more interesting!

at least you know now dem "friends" be mean bitches, and i hope you expressed this to them. i would suggest gaining new friends... which i know is easier said then done. good luck !!