
By Anonymous - 06/04/2009 17:15 - United States

Today, I was going on a dinner date with a girl I had just met. After I picked her up I asked her if she would like to get lobster. She looked at me and asked if those were the red ones. Confused I nodded. She replied, "Sorry, I don't eat red meat." I laughed. She was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 614
You deserved it 6 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, I'd say it's an fml because the dude apparently can't find any dates that are smarter than a box of rocks.


YDI because you can't pick smart girls to date... seriously.

skierguy 0

Not really an FML. Seems like you got a clear sign that she's a colossal dumbass, and now you know to avoid her.

I'm sure someone else has said it but lobster is meat is from animals that go moo. YDI for not pointing that out.

schadenfreudeFTW 0

#52 actually made me laugh. you're trying to convince us all that blodes are not always dumb (which is stupid because we all know this anyway.... no one takes it seriously) and you use the word 'fallacy' incorrectly:) a fallacy is a flaw in reasoning. FAIL ON YOU.

...Just when you thought Jessica Simpson's brain-dead antics about the dreaded chicken-fish were over...someone pipes up with this gem about lobsters. Doesn't it suck how the challenged look just like the norms?

AntiChrist7 0

you date an idiot, says more about you: YDI

1. Did you ask for a date because of her looks, or IQ? 2. Just because she gets something wrong like that doesn't mean she's a moron - just confused about some things. She could be a total wizard at integral calculus, for example. 3. Did you try talking to her about topics that actually interest you? I'm sure that after the first 5 seconds, discussing the colour of lobster meat loses its novelty anyway. :o) If you enjoy talking about the same things, does it matter if she gets some things wrong? 4. We've all shown our complete lack of knowledge on something that those around us think is universally important. (I chose my time to do this on a New York sidewalk - my girlfriend hid and pretended not to know me :o) 5. She could also be the most loving, caring, gentle and thoughtful person on the planet. But you would probably have to talk with her for more than 30 seconds to find that out.