
By Anonymous - 22/10/2019 22:00 - France

Today, I've got two family members over to stay. So far, I have found a dirty Q-Tip, a nasty toe nail and had to clean up period blood from toilets, bin, and the floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 727
You deserved it 155

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So have the menstruating individual clean up their own blood. And the others to clean up their own shit. Or kick them out of the house.

They're your guests. Tell them to act accordingly or leave.


So have the menstruating individual clean up their own blood. And the others to clean up their own shit. Or kick them out of the house.

Sorry that normal people have broken into your fortress of OCD cleanliness.

The secret is either living far enough away that no one comes to visit or residing in such an unappealing locale that no one wants to. The fault is yours, really. You should move

And for the sake of curiosity... what exactly made the toe nail nasty?

They're your guests. Tell them to act accordingly or leave.

E2dav 5

Tell them not to be so grotty. You are not their slave and they should have respect for your household

Charity Taylor 17

I'd kick them out for being a gross or tell them they can only stay if they clean up their act.