
By anonymous - 07/04/2010 04:21 - United States

Today, I was having it off with my boyfriend of 3 years in his living room when a girl barges in, sees us, and screams, "I knew it!" then rushes out. My boyfriend gets up, grabs his pants, and, while chasing after her, yells, "Baby, she's nothing, you know I only love you!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 250
You deserved it 7 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NayaBayBeee 0

Dump Him. That sucks OP. Punch him in the balls when and if you see him again(:

Quest_ 13

Oh, man. **** your life. I don't even know what to say.


Could it be, that he pulled a dick move and scammed you out of the relationship?

ninjakitty254 23

Kick his ass! You deserve better, OP!!!

That ******* bastard. This is so ****** that I cannot refrain from commenting.

3 years and don't live together, no shit

mom of teens 4

So sorry that's so humiliating.