By Not Drunk - 30/01/2017 10:32 - New Zealand - Wellington

Today, I was involved in a crash at work. When I was asked if I had been drinking, instead of saying, "I don't drink" my words got screwed up and I said, "I don't think." Everyone is now certain I caused the crash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 158
You deserved it 1 193

campbelllp tells us more.

Hey guys. It's the OP Nothing really serious happened because of my brain fart, but I'm now thinking it'll be a inside joke at work. The car I was driving was insured, and it was just a small dent. I was asked the questions back at work (company policy) so, if I was drunk, they wouldn't have to get police involved with me staying at the company.

Top comments

Brains are weird, OP. I was once detained for questioning regarding a series of murders, and while I thought I was following the officers, it turns out I was leading them to a pile of corpses and murder weapons with my prints on them. Ha! No biggie!

Since there's no proof of you being intoxicated I hope they lot you go scot(ch)-free


ananicosia 28

I don't think you should leave it at that.

Just explain what you meant OP. Don't just let everyone believe you caused the crash, especially if you didn't. Everyone gets their words mixed up every now and then, it's no big deal.

It's kind of a shame the very first words you say can mean everything. The fact you get critiqued about it so harshly as if they had never done it before isn't very fair. How can they expect you to be thinking 100% straight when you were in an accident? I know my nan wasn't when she had hers. Rest easy and take care OP.

Exactly! So many people don't understand the brain often isn't thinking straight after such an event. I got in a car wreck 2 1/5 years ago, a car tboned us as I was crossing the street, the car was speeding and came out of no where. It was horrible I had 4 of my kids I nanny in the car and ALL of the children were injured and bleeding but me. As I had the children laying on the ground and trying to keep them calm while waiting for an ambulance, a sherrif asked me if I had yielded before I crossed, I told him no, even though I did yield. My brain didn't register what he asked because I was focusing on the kids making sure they weren't seriously injured. Cop gave me a ticket as I'm crying and I don't even notice it's a ticket until the next day. Got me a good attorney and that ticket dismissed.

Well thank goodness you did! There should be a waiting period before questioning that isn't essential information. For example.. the children being top priority. I'm glad you are all okay. Some people shouldn't have a license.

Sounds like you've got a thinking problem.

Brains are weird, OP. I was once detained for questioning regarding a series of murders, and while I thought I was following the officers, it turns out I was leading them to a pile of corpses and murder weapons with my prints on them. Ha! No biggie!

monyluv1 13

Uh.... What? Did you do it? Or no? Need details please!!

Since there's no proof of you being intoxicated I hope they lot you go scot(ch)-free

I wanted to say ydi because that seems like a silly thing to say while sober, but I've been through a DUI and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Hope it all worked out well for you, good luck OP

merryhappy1887 20

So just get a breathalyzer or blood test? Problem solved...

Hate to say it, but he could be screwed by this by his insurance. The claims adjusters take witness statements of everyone into account as well as the police report, and all of the above will likely be influenced by his unfortunate first impression. Even if the physical evidence indicates that someone else caused the crash, witnesses create their own stories in their minds after the fact, so the phone statements they make will likely screw him over.