Charity case

By PrayingForMoney - 25/03/2013 08:48 - United States - Sacramento

Today, I was at my job, waiting tables. A fellow server and myself were given a party of 14 Bible thumpers. They left us $9.00 and a mini Bible after awesome service, telling us we did a great job. Unfortunately, religion doesn't pay for my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 742
You deserved it 6 466

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LO388 7

That's why restaurants should include gratuity on the bill for large parties. Sorry OP :(

AHappyGoth 14


No, you DON'T get the same minimum wage as a server, we get HALF minimum.

Kristoffer 35

You're damn right it does. I've never been a waiter but it's bad enough working regular minimum wage, hard to make ends meet. If I had to be on top of my game day in and day out just to coax a handout from the ungrateful masses, I'd starve!

Wow, I didn't realise people get that exploited in America. Even here in Russia waiters get somewhere around a 1000$ per month, and that's without tips. Sorry for you.

iShanny 13

72 is correct- if you are not making minimum wage with your tips your boss needs to give you the difference. It is against the law not to. In many cases people in the service industry actually end up making MORE than people who make minimum wage but don't get tips.

People don't have to tip.. I always do but you still got 9 bucks and it beats nothing.

sacredeye73 11

Homework for the day: practice the attitude of gratitude.

I waited tables for over a decade. Church groups were ALWAYS, without a single exception in that entire time, the worst tippers I ever encountered. So much for treating others well.

TheSofaKing 7

I know what you mean. The Pastor/Father/Preacher/Reverend are the WORST. There version of a tip is a small card with scriptures from the Bible.

RedPillSucks 31

Be aware that there's federal laws and state laws. I'm not a lawyer, and I don't work it the service industry, but I have friends who have the same complaint, that they definitely do not make minimum wages and the employers are very skilled and finding ways to not pay that minimum. There's lots of fine print in the laws that allow them to do that.

72 - although that is true, who's to say the server isn't lying about the cash tips he/she received? this is how employers get away with not filling the gap up to minimum wage.