God ain't paying my bills

By Anonymous - 03/12/2022 18:00

Today, at my catering job, a woman left me a fake £10 note as a tip, which was actually one of those stupid invitations to attend her church, since "God is more valuable than cash." I have two kids and a wealthy ex refusing to pay support, so I’d have preferred no tip at all instead of this bullshit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 043
You deserved it 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Go to her church and tell the pastor/minister/vicar/whatever that she cheated you with counterfeit money. She'll be consigned to eternal damnation, which is worth more than £10.

That's actually smart, at the very least.


Go to her church and tell the pastor/minister/vicar/whatever that she cheated you with counterfeit money. She'll be consigned to eternal damnation, which is worth more than £10.

That's actually smart, at the very least.

Go to that church and give it as the offering. Good enough for you, good enough for them. I'm a Christian and I hate this nonsense. Drop it on the ground for someone to pick up, but don't screw with people who need to pay rent.