Caught in 4K

By its_all_legit - 19/03/2009 03:47 - United States

Today, my parents, who are out of town but driving back tomorrow, called to see how I was doing. They asked if I'd thrown a party in their absence, and I said no. My dad replied, "Well I'm currently looking at pictures on Facebook of our kitchen with beer and a bong on the table." FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 461
You deserved it 127 815

Same thing different taste

Top comments

falsexecho 0

that's why i won't let my parents get a facebook haha

lol tell em all the houses look the same :P if that doesnt was apple juice. the bong was a vase for the roses you wanted to surprise your parents with to show them how much cared also its stupid to take pics of illegal activities.... ydi...... you do know employers these days try to find as much about you as possible including looking through facebook haha. just an fyi...


84 you are probably the most sane person on this site. i totally agree.

YDI that was an amazingly stupid thing to do i think thats the dumbest thing ive heard all day thanks for making my day X].

Memories last forever Pictures are evidence

It does not say anywhere in his fml that HE posted pictures on HIS facebook so he didnt deserve it....could have been anyone else on his friend's list. refer to post 84 (:

Now see, the problem isn't the party - it's that your understanding of trust networks is fuzzy. If you can't throw a party without some nitwit posting pictures of it on FaceBook, you don't know and understand the crowd you're hanging out with well enough to trust them. This implies your own judgment may be flawed, and maybe you shouldn't be throwing parties for those people, and should be more responsible about who you do stuff with. At the very least, you have immature friends, who either knowingly did something that could have gotten you all in lots of trouble, or you have friends who will invite such careless people... and you weren't paying enough attention to what was going on to prevent it. I'm sure that parents often expect that if they go away, their kids will get up to stuff. If you're not going to be honest with your parents about what you do (dishonesty makes it so they can't trust you when they find out), you could at least refrain from being so sloppy that they think that you are an immature twit, or develop the impression that you think they're stupid. None of that makes for good relations with the parents. I think most kids will do stuff that their parents would tell them not to. It's part of growing up. When you're responsible enough to be discrete, not get caught, not leave evidence of your shindig, that's at least responsibility, and evidence you can take care of yourself. When your parents see your friends using a bong on your kitchen table, via the internet, or they find a joint between the couch cushions, or all their liquor is gone and the carpet has vomit in it... or if you turn up pregnant... these are all signs that you haven't learned discretion.

Oh wow, I love this FML. But that sucks. But buddy, kinda your fault, you know?

sims224 0

PARENTS GTFO FACEBOOK~ gah. i can see this happening to me.

sims224 0

and i agree with #97: definitely your fault :/.

well hell, as long as the party was great....