
By Anonymous - 01/09/2020 17:01 - Germany

Today, I was cleaning up after my mom visited with her dogs. She'd left a little pill jar on the kitchen counter. Had she forgotten her medicine? It made a weird, soft sound when I shaked it. I opened the lid to shake some pills into my hand, only it wasn't pills. It was two fat ticks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 481
You deserved it 229

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How dare you play with your mom's meds! I'll bet she's going to be... ...wait on it... ...ticked off!

What the hell kind of doctor does your mom go to? If you notice a bag of leeches in your fridge after your mom visits, leave it alone -- it's very likely a bag of leeches.


YDI for not looking in before just blindly emptying the bottle onto your hand.

How dare you play with your mom's meds! I'll bet she's going to be... ...wait on it... ...ticked off!

What the hell kind of doctor does your mom go to? If you notice a bag of leeches in your fridge after your mom visits, leave it alone -- it's very likely a bag of leeches.

And the dr didnt prescribe anything to combat that side effect? 2 weeks of diarrhea can be dangerous. Demand a script for that!! In the meantime, Imodium and pedialyte to stay hydrated. Keep crackers and rice handy. Lots of water.