Caturday surprise

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Fairview

Today, my kitten made it snow inside my house using a 12-pack of toilet paper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 629
You deserved it 5 462

Top comments

Your cat made water sublimate using only toilet paper? You MUST name it MacGyver!

zingline89 18

Guess he's not so Charmin after all.


seansbro56 10

Well its obama's fault... Blame him.

I'd really hate to be you right now :/

The best solution would be to get your cat a proper scratching board to keep it busy for meow. Otherwise, put a lock on a cabinet and put the toilet paper in there.Unless your cat is Houdini incarnate, you should both be feline better after. That's all I've got, 3.

...that won't work. It just WON'T WORK, CHILD!

Misswildsides 22

One boring day has led me to discover that with wetting toilet paper and rolling them in balls, you can in fact, make a snowman. ^_^

Better that your kitten used toilet paper to make it snow rather than say, your used Kleenex :-)

perdix 29

When you get done cleaning that up, I'll bet you will be *lowers sunglasses* wiped out.

longchow 8

Why would you paws-ibly leave the toilet paper in the cat's reach? Nyan would blame the cat's choice of seizing the purrfect opportunity to play with something that rolls

perdix 29

You're in West Virginia. As long as the kitten hasn't gotten to the corn cobs, your ass-wiping situation has not been affected.