Caturday surprise

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Fairview

Today, my kitten made it snow inside my house using a 12-pack of toilet paper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 629
You deserved it 5 462

Top comments

Your cat made water sublimate using only toilet paper? You MUST name it MacGyver!

zingline89 18

Guess he's not so Charmin after all.


v1kt4r 13

Anyone else notice the fml feature symbol is a cat sitting like a boss??

37 & 38- it is clearly a cat. Look at the tail and the ears. It is on the phone app anyway.

I see a pink rabbit as well. Unless its a pink chubby cat with huge ears and two square teeth.

I guess Bitches make it rain and ******* make it snow up in this Biatch!!!

vadaaa 11

You've discovered the plot. I am training cats to destroy houses, we take inspiration from holiday songs. Next up is Jingle Bell Rock.

This reminded me of that video where the mom comes out of the bathroom to realize her entire house has been covered in flour, in just a few minutes, due to her young children.

They don't call it Kitten brand for nothing.