Cats are like drugs

By Anonymous - 22/05/2021 23:01 - Turkey - Adana

Today, I'd agreed to watch my friend's cats for a few weeks. I'd always promised myself not to become a "crazy cat lady" like her. It's the third day and I danced with the cats and apologised to them for my bad dancing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 796
You deserved it 502

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's okay, I converted my fiance to cats. He has learned they're adorable and has submitted to their cuddles. Welcome to the club! 🥰

ojoRojo 27

I clicked “you deserve it” but not in a mean way. I think you deserve to enjoy the cats while you’re watching them. Have fun!


It's okay, I converted my fiance to cats. He has learned they're adorable and has submitted to their cuddles. Welcome to the club! 🥰

ojoRojo 27

I clicked “you deserve it” but not in a mean way. I think you deserve to enjoy the cats while you’re watching them. Have fun!

Cats will do that to people. Even men!

I married the crazy cat lady. it's all good. you're having fun and cats love attention.