By cat_loser - 09/12/2016 01:29

Today, I agreed to catsit for a friend. Her cat rode back to my house sitting on my shoulder in the car. As soon as I opened the door, he jumped out and ran off into the woods. It's been 2 1/2 hours and not even food will entice him back to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 729
You deserved it 3 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Losing your friends cat really sucks and I hope you get it back. However, it should've been transported in a kennel. Keeping a loose animal in the car, especially riding on you while driving, is dangerous, they hit you in the wrong place or freak out and it can cause an accident. A crate also would've prevented it from escaping when you opened the car.

Get ready to start apologizing to your friend. I'm with #6. Pets need to be transported in carriers to avoid this exact situation. Your friend should have given you one.


I'm feline this category is going to be littered with the whole kitten caboodle of cat puns.

Don't you think the "what a catastrophe" people are not trying hard enough?

There's a nice casual in-between which is just right. The catastrophe ones are worse though.

Losing your friends cat really sucks and I hope you get it back. However, it should've been transported in a kennel. Keeping a loose animal in the car, especially riding on you while driving, is dangerous, they hit you in the wrong place or freak out and it can cause an accident. A crate also would've prevented it from escaping when you opened the car.

what a catastrophe I've heard leaving out an article of clothing or a blanket from the cat's owner can help entice it back.

Get ready to start apologizing to your friend. I'm with #6. Pets need to be transported in carriers to avoid this exact situation. Your friend should have given you one.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

Open a can of tuna - It works wonders with cats.