
By Anonymous - 09/01/2021 13:58 - New Zealand

Today, I discovered that the father of my son cheated on me, but with fake sex bots that pretend to be real people. I don’t know whether I’m more disappointed in him cheating, or the fact that he couldn’t even get it right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 032
You deserved it 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

Like was he AWARE that it wasn't a real person? As in, did he have the intent to cheat? Or did he just know it was a bot the whole time? Cause that makes all the difference here.


You need to track down the other robot and **** her up good! Swap out her sexy talk algorithm for a recruitment pitch for Amway or other pyramid scheme. "What are you wearing?" "Sexy panties I bought with the money I earned selling shoe polish. Would you like to make panty money like that?"

OrySoma 11

have you ever used a ***** same concept yes its alittle weird but you can't cheat with something thats not real not to mention the kink shaming is real yall you should just have a threesome with it and get it over with

jfigley 5
tounces7 27

Like was he AWARE that it wasn't a real person? As in, did he have the intent to cheat? Or did he just know it was a bot the whole time? Cause that makes all the difference here.