Alexa, play "Boredom" by Buzzcocks

By Sam - 25/04/2022 03:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I was prepared for it to be difficult being a parent, but it's actually super easy. What I wasn't prepared for was just how boring it would be after my husband returned to work and I was left alone. All she does is sleep, so the whole house is scrubbed clean, and I'm climbing the walls from sheer bloody boredom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 809
You deserved it 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just watch TV or read, and be thankful it's so easy now. Soon enough it won't be.

whatshername?! 39

There will be times, when you won't have so much free time. Be happy about it and grab a book or choose another hobby. When the baby gets more active, it will be more demanding for the parents. You can also be grateful that your baby obviously sleeps on its own and doesn't need you directly at its side.


Just watch TV or read, and be thankful it's so easy now. Soon enough it won't be.

whatshername?! 39

There will be times, when you won't have so much free time. Be happy about it and grab a book or choose another hobby. When the baby gets more active, it will be more demanding for the parents. You can also be grateful that your baby obviously sleeps on its own and doesn't need you directly at its side.

elle0000 13

Join a parent group — then you can socialize while getting/sharing parenting tips.

elle0000 13

Join a parent group — then you can socialize while getting/sharing parenting tips.

Been through it twice, including once with a baby with acid reflux. Having a baby who sleeps all the time is a good problem to have, so enjoy it while it lasts. And yes, parent groups or a hobby will help.

YDI for not appreciating how lucky you are to be "bored" raising a child.