Broke boy

By Anonymous - 22/02/2024 21:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my proposal to my girlfriend was ruined when my brother was too cheap to iTunes the song I wanted playing, so he YouTubed it instead. It’s very difficult to propose while speakers are blasting an unskippable 30-second advert about formula being a healthy alternative to breastfeeding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 325
You deserved it 572

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MrGrumblebum 19

“Today, my proposal to my girlfriend was ruined because I was too cheap to iTunes the song I wanted to play, and palmed that responsibility off to my brother.” Fixed it for you. You’re welcome.

Nothing says love like outsourcing the key part of a major operation.


MrGrumblebum 19

“Today, my proposal to my girlfriend was ruined because I was too cheap to iTunes the song I wanted to play, and palmed that responsibility off to my brother.” Fixed it for you. You’re welcome.

Nothing says love like outsourcing the key part of a major operation.

hopejm 5

why didn't you set it up? you probably already knew your brother was cheap and stupid. anyway, you probably weren't thinking that way at the time, so yeah. fyl

Sonotsuave 35

Um, you can find the song on YouTube and convert it to mp3 or mp4, with a converter website. Then you download it. YDI