Birthday boy

By GiraffeLover - 11/01/2013 11:36 - Australia

Today, my 17 year-old boyfriend's mother bought him a giraffe onesie. He refused to take it off and insisted on wearing it everywhere we go. We live in Australia and it's our summer now. So far he has passed out 3 times in public because he overheated, but he still won't take it off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 537
You deserved it 7 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Always be yourself- unless you can be a giraffe. Then, always be a giraffe :P (Even if it makes you pass out )

I wish my mom would buy me a giraffe onesie... I wouldn't take it off either!


This ons is a keeper. You should definitely set a date for the wedding.

afairshake 8

Someone has mommy issues and needs some serious therapy, run

Oh my god that is adorable! If he was my boyfriend I would get one too and walk around with him! Haha he's like my dream boyfriend, dorky and cute <3

you deserve it for going out with such a gimp

Say what you will about Australians, but at least we're persistent.

flashback_fml 14

Wow its so hot in australia koalas go up to runners and ask for their water