Don't give up

By Brilee Bruxvoort - 31/05/2020 23:00

Today, after finally putting my foot down and trying to kick my husband out for his alcoholism, I got a lecture from his parents about how much of a piece of shit I am for "giving up" on their son. I've been trying to get him to get help for the past three years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 591
You deserved it 184

Same thing different taste

Top comments

neverfind 20

You’re doing the right thing, if he’s not willing to change and stop drinking then he’s not worth your time. It’s time to cut him out of your life, and move on.

Translation: "we dont want him to be our problem and YOU married him, so he's YOUR problem." No wonder he's an alcoholic, his parents did a fine job raising a winner!


neverfind 20

You’re doing the right thing, if he’s not willing to change and stop drinking then he’s not worth your time. It’s time to cut him out of your life, and move on.

Translation: "we dont want him to be our problem and YOU married him, so he's YOUR problem." No wonder he's an alcoholic, his parents did a fine job raising a winner!

Alcoholism is a genetic condition it runs in the family. You married him they had him you should be working together to help someone you’re both supposed to love. (Just a suggestion)

My brother’s wife is leaving him for the same thing. You are doing the right thing. The parents have no right to try to guilt you into dealing with an alcoholic.

As a recovered Alcoholic i can honestly say you are doing the right thing by kicking him out, you will only enable him and he will continue to drink taking you down with him, please stay strong, see it through and love yourself, self care is NOT selfish. Best of luck

Move on. You don't owe him anything. If he isn't willing to get sober than there is nothing you can do. The only way he is going to get sober is if he wants to, not because others are telling him to do. You need to be selfish now and think about yourself because best believe he isn't.