Biphobia is a thing

By Anonymous - 05/08/2021 06:01

Today, I’m bisexual. My straight friends think it’s a phase and I should just "pick one". My LGBTQ friends think I’m straight and should stop "posing". I’m regularly accused of trying to steal people's partners or asked to join marital threesomes. Can’t I just be a regular person? FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 508
You deserved it 442

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait... your LGBTQ friends think you're straight? What do they think the B stands for?

I am bi as well. Very sorry your friends treat you like that. Their fear-type bigotry is especially showing with the "accusations of trying to steal people's partners" as if bi people are raging horny home wreckers.


I am bi as well. Very sorry your friends treat you like that. Their fear-type bigotry is especially showing with the "accusations of trying to steal people's partners" as if bi people are raging horny home wreckers.

College humor has a video about this exact thing and it's amazing. "When coming out goes better than you thought"

Wait... your LGBTQ friends think you're straight? What do they think the B stands for?

Boners? Wait...are you telling me it's not "boners?"

You'd be surprised how common this is. My sister is a lesbian and tons of her friends that are gay hate bisexuals.

Unfortunately this is pretty normal for being Bi. You end up with both camps thinking you’re just hedging your bets. Good for you for being honest.

I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. If a person is incapable (or unwilling) to try to accept your identity, I don’t think that they are very good friends.

I don't know what queer folk you're hanging out with, but go find a new group. I'm a raging butch and I don't have a single problem with you--and no one else should, either. You're as queer as we are, and you need to go find your real family so you know it too.