By PrincessCrippled - 18/05/2018 15:00

Today, a close friend tried to kill me by running me over with her car. Why? Because I didn't want to share the pain meds I had due to a third-degree burn. My leg is now broken in 3 places, my ankle is shattered, and I have to use a walker because I'm too clumsy for crutches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 111
You deserved it 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I really hope you reported her immediately. She's a f*cking psychopath.

And when you called the cops, what did they tell you? You called the cops, right?


I really hope you reported her immediately. She's a f*cking psychopath.

And when you called the cops, what did they tell you? You called the cops, right?

You had your "friend" arrested, right?

AJ1981 12

i hope you meant someone you thought was a close friend... press charges and get a restraining order...

Zekfen 17

1. Sounds like she has an addiction problem 2. Silver lining: you got more pain meds and got rid of a psycho? 3. Don’t let her know you got more pain meds, she might try more conventional methods of killing

What did she want to do w/ the pain meds if you gave them?

PenguinPal3017 19

Never heard of prescription medication abuse?

I am no expert, but I feel like this person is not really your friend.

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Sounds like your hopefully former friend has a serious addiction problem. Please tell me you called the cops, she needs real help she won’t get if you don’t hold her accountable.