By BFFN - 14/04/2016 15:36 - United Kingdom - Glasgow

Today, my best friend told me she no longer wants an "active friendship" with me. She says she doesn't have time to see me, since she has a boyfriend and a bunch of friends she's spent years bitching to me about. We've gone from a 14-year friendship to awkwardly nodding at each other in the street. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 647
You deserved it 1 348

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ugh something I cannot stand is lifelong friends ditching each other for their boyfriends. Boys come and go but those friendships could be forever

Perhaps she doesn't deserve so much as the nod. There are good reasons to end friendships, but it doesn't sound like she had any of them. Better luck finding better friends, OP.


Not to scare you, but do you think her boyfriend made her "break up" with you?

Tell her bf and other friends about all the mad shit she talked.

Sorry to hear that op. When you get betrayed like that there is always a little less trust you have available for the next person. In my experience at least.

Screw them. I had a similar situation with my best friend and I'm so better off now. You do you boo!

I'm sure it'll all blow over. It always does with really good friends.

this dumbass is still actually taking the time to nod to that bitch? **** her **** boyfriend. **** her bitchass friends. and **** her. dont give her any conformation that her plan could ever work out. **** ya fake friends where da real friends at

chessu 21

I know it doesn't feel this way now, but in the long run you're better off! I am in a similar position where a person who I consider(ed) to be my best friend seems to have time for everyone and everything else other than me. When she had a boyfriend, it was even worse. It's like she's #1 on my friend list, but I'm like maybe #15 on hers, and it breaks my heart every time there is yet another situation where it becomes obvious she just doesn't care. I've been trying to pluck up the courage to do what she did to you - just tell her that it would be easier for me if we just called it quits cold turkey style, because what we're doing now clearly isn't working. If what she says is truly who she feels and acts then you would've reached this decision yourself eventually yourself, but would've struggled to go through with it and you would've suffered a lot longer. It sucks for now, but after a while, she'll just become someone that you used to know.

RKD 23

I would just avoid her. You are better off, I have been there. In time you will realize you are better off!

a_28xo 12

I hate how much I relate to this. FYL, OP.