Friends like these

By Anonymous - 22/08/2021 05:01 - United Kingdom - Brighton

Today, I found out that my closest friend of many years had been putting on a charade of being my friend, and has decided that they can't be bothered with the effort of me existing any more. FML
I agree, your life sucks 830
You deserved it 87

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yummi_913 18

Not all friendships were fake just because they came to an end. If she was your friend for many years I doubt it was a "charade". What would be the point of that? What does she gain from that investment of her time and effort? Have you ever sat back and looked at how you treat her or generally behave around her? Maybe she's just had enough of your shit/negativity. Or not. You don't really give any details on why your friendship ended so I'm honestly just making the assumption that it falls on you with how you're claiming the "whole friendship was a charade" and that she's ignoring you. Sounds like a butthurt statement to me and it also sounds like you pissed them off and are refusing to take accountability. Maybe ask her what was actually bothering her and offer to work on it instead of accusing her of only pretending to be your friend - because that's pretty immature.

People change - Maybe you, maybe them. Rarely do we actually remain friends for life because of that. It does not mean that you or your former friend were false friends before, it just means that the friendship is no longer working. It’s human to mourn the loss of a relationship - friend or whatever. Allow yourself some time to mourn the loss and then go on. It’s not helpful to accuse a former friend of “never having been a real friend” just because the friendship is now over or at a different level. Maybe it was you, maybe it was them that led to the breakdown - Think about what more recently led to this. Was the friendship equal or were you the needy one? If that’s the case, you have some growing up to do. Friendship only works when things are equal - Not one side always giving and the other always taking. Or maybe it was just that you no longer had much in common. Either way, move on but learn from this.


And no one can be bothered to make the effort to comment on this story. What are you bringing to the friendship that would keep your friend interested?

Yummi_913 18

Not all friendships were fake just because they came to an end. If she was your friend for many years I doubt it was a "charade". What would be the point of that? What does she gain from that investment of her time and effort? Have you ever sat back and looked at how you treat her or generally behave around her? Maybe she's just had enough of your shit/negativity. Or not. You don't really give any details on why your friendship ended so I'm honestly just making the assumption that it falls on you with how you're claiming the "whole friendship was a charade" and that she's ignoring you. Sounds like a butthurt statement to me and it also sounds like you pissed them off and are refusing to take accountability. Maybe ask her what was actually bothering her and offer to work on it instead of accusing her of only pretending to be your friend - because that's pretty immature.

People change - Maybe you, maybe them. Rarely do we actually remain friends for life because of that. It does not mean that you or your former friend were false friends before, it just means that the friendship is no longer working. It’s human to mourn the loss of a relationship - friend or whatever. Allow yourself some time to mourn the loss and then go on. It’s not helpful to accuse a former friend of “never having been a real friend” just because the friendship is now over or at a different level. Maybe it was you, maybe it was them that led to the breakdown - Think about what more recently led to this. Was the friendship equal or were you the needy one? If that’s the case, you have some growing up to do. Friendship only works when things are equal - Not one side always giving and the other always taking. Or maybe it was just that you no longer had much in common. Either way, move on but learn from this.