Fairweather friends

By Anonymous - 18/11/2021 08:01 - United States - Seattle

Today, after not hearing from my "bestie" for over a month, I realized she completely ghosts me when she finds a boyfriend, only calling me when they break up so she can complain, and hangs up before hearing a single word about my life. I have such low self-esteem, I don't even fight it. Who needs enemies? FML
I agree, your life sucks 912
You deserved it 258

Same thing different taste

Top comments

justwanttobesocial...butalsonot 9

Definitely sounds like you could use some better friends, I'm sorry she's using you like that 😔 as someone who's therapist literally told them to make friends, I understand how much of a challenge it can pose 🙃 been contemplating joining a D&D group in my town - if you enjoy stuff like that there might be local places near you that could offer an opportunity to form new bonds. Best of luck regardless!

Look for new friends, branch out. I'm sure there are lot of girls who want to dump on someone about their relationship troubles. You sound like a great dumpee! Use it to your advantage.


Look for new friends, branch out. I'm sure there are lot of girls who want to dump on someone about their relationship troubles. You sound like a great dumpee! Use it to your advantage.

justwanttobesocial...butalsonot 9

Definitely sounds like you could use some better friends, I'm sorry she's using you like that 😔 as someone who's therapist literally told them to make friends, I understand how much of a challenge it can pose 🙃 been contemplating joining a D&D group in my town - if you enjoy stuff like that there might be local places near you that could offer an opportunity to form new bonds. Best of luck regardless!