By BFFN - 14/04/2016 15:36 - United Kingdom - Glasgow

Today, my best friend told me she no longer wants an "active friendship" with me. She says she doesn't have time to see me, since she has a boyfriend and a bunch of friends she's spent years bitching to me about. We've gone from a 14-year friendship to awkwardly nodding at each other in the street. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 647
You deserved it 1 348

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ugh something I cannot stand is lifelong friends ditching each other for their boyfriends. Boys come and go but those friendships could be forever

Perhaps she doesn't deserve so much as the nod. There are good reasons to end friendships, but it doesn't sound like she had any of them. Better luck finding better friends, OP.


I swear breakups between best friends are even worse than relationship breakups...

Basically what happened with me and a 9 year friendship, she had many boyfriends and girlfriends and left me high and dry when I didn't share in her lifestyle.

HarleyQueen_fml 4

I'm so glad I'm not the only one going through this. my best friend basically did the same thing to me, 15 years and she threw it away all for a stupid boy

I understand. The day before yesterday my best friend of 17 years told me to get out of her life because she is addicted to heroin.

how does that even work. wow hurt much

Dude the same sort of situation happened with me and my best friend at this point you just gotta move on and forget about then

Ditch your friend that's gonna be there forever for your boyfriend that'll probably end in a few weeks?

she might be in some dilemma with her bf.maybe he asked her to do so . shewill come around chill out

Some friendships last forever others come and go. You're really better off without her

ouch..wonder if she ever really was your strong some people just use you so they don't feel alone if they can't find someone to talk to..never give anything more than you are comfortable with or without and count on yourself! if someone cares for you, it's you!!! you seem like a nice person, show who you are, love who you are and you will attract the right people in your life