Better before than after

By Anonymous - 25/04/2015 07:57 - United States - Helena

Today, my girlfriend confessed that she'd leave me for her ex in a heartbeat. Tomorrow is, or should I say "was", our wedding day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 011
You deserved it 2 404

Same thing different taste


That sucks OP, only way I can say this.

Hey dude, I live in MT as well. don't feel to bad. at least you didn't mary her.(I hope) It seems to me that over the last few years Montana girls have started to look for the BBW(Bigger,broader Wallet) I used to love it here growing up but the women are just becoming far to superficial.

Did she do it. Is dhe does thats good for you. You dont have to marry a girl who does not treat you well

Wow that's nasty! Glad you had the balls to call the wedding off. She does not deserve you!

That sucks OP. I am truly sorry. You did the right thing. Good luck.

nitrog100 21

So...she's paying for the wedding, right? I mean, she's the whole reason it's not happening, so she should pick up the tab.

You dodged a bullet. Albeit an expensive one but now you can find someone who'll truly be open to loving. Have fun.

HighasaCloud 46

I smell bullshit. If you actually were marrying her, you would have said "fiancee" instead of "girlfriend." Unless you were engaged for all of a few days, you wouldn't accidentally refer to her as your girlfriend. It is much more likely that you said 'girlfriend' because she actually is, you added the wedding day part for effect/increased sympathy, and it slipped your mind that your girlfriend needs to be your fiancee in this little fiction of yours.