Be honest

By Anonymous - 20/05/2022 02:00

Today, I've been dating a girl for about a year. After about 5 months, her mom kicked her out so I had her move in with me. She’s super sweet and nice, but we aren’t intellectually compatible, and have wildly different interests. My best friend is everything she isn’t. I'm starting to crush on my friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 335
You deserved it 932

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I heard a story about a girl... Not only did she use a made up excuse about her parents kicking her out, but as soon as the guy told her he wanted to separate, she "suddenly" got pregnant. So be extremely careful.

Threesome? Maybe that will be an interest you do share. And your rent will drop from a half to a third, and more sex than you can handle. x("win-") where x is an integer greater than 3.


Threesome? Maybe that will be an interest you do share. And your rent will drop from a half to a third, and more sex than you can handle. x("win-") where x is an integer greater than 3.

I heard a story about a girl... Not only did she use a made up excuse about her parents kicking her out, but as soon as the guy told her he wanted to separate, she "suddenly" got pregnant. So be extremely careful.

kitten79TX 5

Tell the girlfriend the relationship isn't working out. Give her a set time to find a new place, and in that timeframe you'll be roomates, not lovers. If she doesn't have a job, take that into consideration and givr her adequate time to find one and save up the necessary funds. After the initial conversation, after everyone has had some time to chill out and calm down, put the agreement in some form of trackable text or email, that gives you proof of the new arrangement. This may be needed to legally protect yourself in the future.

Grumpy Jack 26

First of all, is your current gf good in bed ? Second of all, is your bf aware you crushed on her and does she feel the same ? If you answered yes to the first and no to the second part of the second (whaaat ??), think of keeping the current one. At least, you can enjoy sex with her and smart discussions with your bf. If your bf crushed on you as well, start considering dumping the other one. Or maybe ask for a threesome (never had the chance so go for it if you can). Now, like someone said previously : keep in mind that your gf might have made up the whole story and maybe she's trying to set you up with a baby !