Ballsy move

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff - United States - Franklin

Today, I finally got the balls to ask the girl of my dreams out, but all I could talk about was my two cats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 649
You deserved it 1 912

Top comments

It happens, everyone experiences anxiety and having nothing to say. Just try to relax next time and be yourself, eventually you'll gradually grow more comfortable around her


If it turns out that she also loves cats, then you will may be successful and eventually get the pussy

If she likes cats, it may have been fine. If she doesn't like cats, then don't bother with her. ;)

Enfp girl 1

Did she at least seem interested?

starbound1332 2

Acknowledge you were awkward and tell her she makes you nervous. It’ll come over as a compliment to most women.