
By Anonymous - 09/03/2014 19:31 - Singapore - Singapore

Today, I was on the subway, when the girl opposite me suddenly started shouting and accusing me of photographing her. I was reading a book on my phone, and I showed her the screen, but I got shoved around anyway by another guy, who threatened to report me for being a pervert. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 120
You deserved it 3 277

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, damn girl. Settle down there. Some girls are just bitches or think to highly of themselves... Pity that's how some people are today. Either way you aren't actually at fault for anything OP, so you have nothing to worry about. And the worst is when girls act that way and aren't even that hot...

Neither of them seem very familiar with books.


As much of a **** as she was, I have no sympathy for cell phone induced woes of any kind. **** cell phones.

Considering the fact that women deal with sexual harassment and creepy ***** every day of their lives, I can't really blame this lass for trying to protect herself; luckily you're not the sort of guy who'd do that, but not everyone is decent. The bloke, on the other hand, is an asshat, especially since you actually showed the damn book you were reading before he went all 'alpha dog'. Sorry you had to deal with that, OP.

How do we know that OP wasn't using a "sneaky pic" app that lets you disguise your main screen with a page from a random book...just saying...I saw someone doing it on the subway the other day &...wait a minute...was that OP? Idk, but dude nearly got his butt kicked by some guy shoving him around.

Maybe the paranoia of those "up-skirt" offenders has extended to Singapore. There's been evidence of men sneaking pictures of women's crotches while they're doing something nice, like petting someone else's dog or picking up someone's items off the floor. And, in some cases, people still place the blame on the woman for wearing "revealing clothing". Most of the time, the woman's dress or skirt isn't even that short; it's usually at the knee; sometimes, it hangs at the calf, and some men still see it as a photo opp. Regardless of the outfit, though, it's no excuse to be a jackass and take pictures of someone you don't know personally.

This is where you say "Oh please bitch, don't flatter yourself, that split you got going on down there can't do nothing for this pretty ass." Then smile at the guy beside you.

I don't get how so many people are calling the girl a bitch and stuck-up and whatever. Maybe she has had some previous experiences or something, I don't think anyone would do false accusations like that just because they think they're pretty. Of course this sucks for the OP and was not the right thing to do but I don't think it was just because of selfishness

valentinov 15

To situations like these, I'd recommend using the "self-centered" attitude: "Yeah right... I'd look to someone like you... Honey, I can do way better than you. Now, run along and stop bothering me." It's better to let people think you're a jerk, than to come across as a pervert. Somehow, jerks are respected.

LOL. I would've just sat there and ignored her.

Today, I accused a man on a subway of being a pervert and taking pictures of me. Another passenger began assaulting the man when I realized 2 things: he was actually just reading a book, and I'm a completely self-centered bitch. FML