
By Anonymous - 30/04/2015 17:33 - United Kingdom - Limavady

Today, someone at work took my delicate medication out of the fridge to make room for their lunch. Now my medication has expired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 713
You deserved it 2 883

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully you're able to get a refill soon! Coworkers can be so insensitive at times :/

Looks like somebody's life has to expire now, huh?


lovedbynoone 22

Work fridges are nothing but trouble! People need to keep their hands off other people's stuff.

hopefully you can report them to management

I hope they're ok paying for you're next Rx! I hate when people mess with the belongings of others!

Clinky92 18
BaDumTsss_fml 23

Hmmmmm...ExLax and brownies, ExLax and brownies...why do I keep thinking about these???

lol most medication that needs to be refrigerated is for diabetes or AIDS

Hayllee 4