ARE YOU ******* SORRY?

By Evelyn - 19/03/2012 20:18 - United States

Today, I was at the park with my friends. We were all having fun on the swings, when out of nowhere I heard a thud, followed by a child crying. Turns out I accidentally kicked him in the head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 503
You deserved it 7 895

Same thing different taste

Top comments

skyeyez9 24

Sounds like It was the kid's fault anyways. You never walk in front of a person while they are swinging.

ipwnallmen 10


Well maybe if the mom was watching her child they wouldn't have been in front of the swings...

Glitterbaby2613 20

that's what happens when parents don't watch their kids😏 I hope no one's trying to blame you. I mean mature adults would know better than to run infront of a swing, but kids wouldn't. not to mention you can't stop a swing. so that being said that's why it's the kids parents fault