What have you got yourself into?

By HaroldLames - 01/03/2021 11:01

Today, the court is unable to allow me to divorce my wife because she is pregnant with our child. I have to wait until AFTER the baby is born, so that she is born inside of a marriage and not be an "illegitimate child". I was planning to move out of our house to go live with my high school sweetheart this weekend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 365
You deserved it 2 934

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so... you got married, then got your wife pregnant, and then decided to cut and run to have a fling with the girl you banged in high-school, thus leaving your baby mama to take care of the child on her own, while you pretend it isn't your responsibility to help take care of it... yup you my friend are a piece of shit. not saying you have to stay with her, but at least don't get mad you can't run fast enough from them. make sure you kid is going to be well off...

1. How does you still being married on paper stop you from moving out? 2. F your child's life.


so... you got married, then got your wife pregnant, and then decided to cut and run to have a fling with the girl you banged in high-school, thus leaving your baby mama to take care of the child on her own, while you pretend it isn't your responsibility to help take care of it... yup you my friend are a piece of shit. not saying you have to stay with her, but at least don't get mad you can't run fast enough from them. make sure you kid is going to be well off...

as someone who was raised by a single mother I have to say you're making a lot of assumptions. OPs an ass for trying to leave his wife while she's pregnant no doubt, but there's no proof that he plans on abandoning her and the child.

I was also raised by a single mother but my father was involved. my younger brothers father bailed when he was born. my assumption is based on being upset he wasn't allowed to leave early. if he planned to stay in the picture it shouldn't be a big deal, only a technicality.

So you're supposed to stay with someone if you have a child with them, no matter what?

If you don't love your wife, use a bloody condom, at least!

1. How does you still being married on paper stop you from moving out? 2. F your child's life.

I'm sorry, but I can't seem to think of a way to feel sorry for you. Also, why do the courts care if your child is "legitimate" or not?

The courts may care depending on where he's from. State to state, divorce laws change, and this doesn't even list a country. He may be from someplace with much more conservative divorce laws. However, he's personally proven that wherever he lives there's at least one giant shit head. (Hint: it's him)

Some states have a law that you can't get divorced if the wife is pregnant.

You're a horrible person. f your wife's life and f your baby's life. not you, you're a piece of shit

xxlk4xx 6

absolutely no sympathy for you what so ever. so you're cheating on your pregnant wife, with some chick from highschool and plan to just up and leave and likely not help raise your child that you helped make.. and does your wife have any idea what a pos she married? I'd say this is more of an fml for your wife then it is for you. I really hope you didn't post in here expecting anyone to feel sorry for you. as for your wife, I hope she finds someone who is actually worth her time and she knows her self worth as a person.

You are a monumental jerk. I hope your wife sues you for child support, alimony, and half of everything you own/share.

peterblack67 9

You're deserting a pregnant wife and you expect anyone to feel sorry for you? Are you kidding me?

Gosha 1

So u leave ur wife with your child n run away. And u have the balls to complain