By poncho31 - 22/05/2010 08:08 - United States

Today, I drove 6 hours to make a job interview missing my best friends' wedding. The interview is actually tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 641
You deserved it 48 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kbobcat 0

i would not miss my best freinds wedding ever, i mean theres always jobs out there, but ur freind only gets married once( hopefully)

You're stupid for being willing to miss your best friend's wedding for an interview and for not confirming the dates. Also, even if they happened to be on the same day, you should have tried to reschedule the interview for such an important event.


julian1179 0

This is the same as all the other "rushed for my interview but it wasn't today" fmls. :/

Agree with 1, that sounds hurt. I could imagine how dark is ur mood, u got a bad day. Just stay with us, buddy.

#12 is right Op.. just remember any other fmls You might want to write you can.. I will vote fyl poor op :( #12 do you think op will try to off self? hope not.. would hate for op to be .. emo

Not really a fml... you still got the interview.

As if you'd choose a job interview over your best friends wedding!

14, I think op is fine since he has written something here. The gas has been released. U know, the valve thing. :)

rawrcupcakesz 0

OP why would you get an interview that is 6 hours away?

wouldn't u choose ur bestfriends wedding over an interview or atleast ask them for another day coz u have a wedding

Volcomsmy_Lyfe 0

17 he missed his best friends wedding basically for nothing that's why it's an fml and he probably would have been best man

Your best friend is getting married and you skipped for an interview?

deannamarie12 0

I wouldn't miss my friends wedding even for an interview. YDI :(

Simplyjulie 0

That sux. i hate it when my mind tricks me like that.. Thats why i learned to be more organized and jot down any events on my agenda. Im sry you had to miss you best friends wedding OP :(

ydi for not knowing when your interview is.

1st of all u should of checked the date of your interview. 2ndly miss your bf weddin I really doubt she' ll call u her bf again .

Weird_Gurl7504 0

so you're if you get the job you're going to drive 6 hours to work....???

70, I think they'd move... and OP that was just a bit stupid. you'd obviously check something like that.

Weird_Gurl7504 0

1) If OP had asked for a different interview day and been refused, it is abosolutely fine to miss a wedding for an interview. The wedding is just a day, and hopefully their marriage will last long enough for him to be there for them on other special occasions. 2) On the other hand, OP is a dumb **** for not getting his appointments sorted and realising he could have been there.

lol drive back for the wedding dance get shit faced

melissamoshh 0

uumm ydi for not knowing the right date. or being respectful to your friend. gfy anti-flood D:

i always hated using periods, that's why i stick with commas lol....<---(I used some periods) anyways, be happy op that you didnt have to take a shit during those 6 hours, thats a major FML!!!

sorry about my post wrong fml....i will go shoot myself now...bye bye

71- I'm in love with the color of your hair!

grobbins09 0

#30 its not an FML, this person is just an idiot. obviously wouldn't be the best man if he doesn't even know when his best friend is getting is an idea get a planner, or a calender to write dates on, or put the dates in your phone as a reminder.

wow. . **** you antiflood protection!

zerobahamut03 2
kbobcat 0

i would not miss my best freinds wedding ever, i mean theres always jobs out there, but ur freind only gets married once( hopefully)

Yea really, I don't understand why they would scheadule a job interview on the day of your best friend's wedding!

sourgirl101 28

I was thinking what job does interviews on weekends? and aren't most weddings on weekends? and why try getting a job that's six hours away? and why am I asking all these questions when I really don't care. Because what ever the answer is YDI.

You're stupid for being willing to miss your best friend's wedding for an interview and for not confirming the dates. Also, even if they happened to be on the same day, you should have tried to reschedule the interview for such an important event.

agreed. you don't skip your best friends wedding.

Sounds fake to me. Weddings usually on weekend, interviews done during business hours. What moron would believe he has an interview on Sunday?

rallets 22

seeing as how its saturday, idk

when I read that, I had to laugh... I bet you feel like a genius.

Let's see... go to my best friend's wedding... or go to my job interview... first of all why would you miss your best friend's wedding for anything? second if you were going to the interview... TRIPLE check the calendar!!! You get a big fat YDI

Blink182ftw 0

your name makes me want a taco

clanceyrocks11 0

hate when that happens :( happens to me on a daily basis. DAFP

I noticed the apostrphe on best friends :P so damn both of your best friends got married and you missed it? haha, WOW. oh well! you can always watch the videos of their important day :P some friend you are ^^