You little knob

By keelah - 27/06/2014 21:57 - United States - Montgomery

Today, my cousin asked me what it's like to be so fat. I chastised him and said that was a rude thing to ask. He apologized, then asked me what it's like to be such a pussy. He didn't stop until he, a 10 year-old kid, had reduced me, a 26 year-old woman, to tears. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 686
You deserved it 8 574

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's horrible. I'm sorry OP! He needs to learn respect. Hopefully, He isn't such an ass when he gets older!


Kids these days! You should probably tell his parents.

GrapeJuice67 17

Should've responded to the second question with "I wouldn't know, you tell me." Sorry OP, this is why people need to smack a sense of respect into their children. Or better yet, start telling him what joys he will experience as he comes into adulthood.

Should of kicked him the nuts now who's the pussy

Guys are bad, kids are annoying, so a combo is just.... I ******* hate male kids.