
By ribbonsundone - 06/01/2010 10:07 - United States

Today, I treated my friends to lunch at a posh restaurant because it's my birthday. While we were walking leisurely around the mall afterwards, their boyfriends showed up. I spent the next few hours walking alone behind them while they were walking hand in hand with their boyfriends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 298
You deserved it 4 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

guckylynn 19

I don't get why YOU would treat your friends to something on your birthday. Usually it's the friend that treats you...

It's kind of weird that their boyfriends ALL decided to show up at once...


I"m guessing your friends are those kinda girls who always have to have a boyfriend-no matter who he actually is. Just because you don't have a boyfriend doesn't make you inferior, it might just mean your waiting to find someone you actually really like.

If you have to bribe people to spend time with you, maybe the problem isn't your friends.

JungleCat3 0

first of all, why the fck did YOU treat THEM on ur bday??? 2nd, thats the part where u realize wat shitty friends u have that wud ditch u at all, much less ur bday, and jus leave

5th wheeling is the absolute WORST, especially if it's your own birthday. I seem to spend a lot of my time 3rd and 5th wheeling (my record is 9th wheeling... that was a fun night), so I am now rather proficient at flicking aimlessly through my phone in an effort to look busy and non-awkward. I really feel for you!!

YDI for not expressing your expectations prior or speaking up IMO

luuuu20 0

awwww that's horribleeee I'm the same on that it sucksss

FMLtimes316 0

I know how you feel. I'm always the extra wheel. :'( I feel for you him. <3 stay strong. they're gonna be the heartbroken ones when their bfs break up wth themmm!!!

I would not do any of those things especially not on my birthday. You treated THEM? lol. Did that sound right when you were typing it?