We meet again

By Anonymous - 19/02/2023 06:00 - Germany

Today, I waited months for a specialist doctor’s appointment, only to find out that it's the same guy I already saw for the same problem years ago, who was at his wit's end after seeing nothing wrong on the x-ray, and had no clue as to what might be causing my pain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 873
You deserved it 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I really hope that maybe with the intervening years and any other appointments you’ve had he might have a better idea of where to look. I hope you’ll find the answer you need.

Is there a way to get a different specialist? Because that seems to be a golden-plated occasion to get a different specialist.


I really hope that maybe with the intervening years and any other appointments you’ve had he might have a better idea of where to look. I hope you’ll find the answer you need.

Maybe this time your malady will have gotten so bad that the doctor will be able to diagnose it. Usually one makes the opposite wish, but you seem to want to have a problem, so: Get worse soon!

Is there a way to get a different specialist? Because that seems to be a golden-plated occasion to get a different specialist.

They didn't give you the doctor's name before you went so you'd know this beforehand?

Sara Niemantsverdriet 12

how did you not know what doctor you were seeing?