Worst roommate ever

By Anonymous - 29/01/2023 08:00 - Ireland

Today I knocked on one of my roommate's door and asked her to stop vacuuming since it's was late. She started to record me and went on a tirade about how none of the girls there respect her. She has previously tried to push two girls down the stairs. Her lease isn't up for 4 more months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 838
You deserved it 97

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The landlord is within their rights to break a lease of if a tenant is physically threatening other tenants (or anyone else on the property). Talk to the landlord. They may be willing to give notice to your problem roommate early.


The landlord is within their rights to break a lease of if a tenant is physically threatening other tenants (or anyone else on the property). Talk to the landlord. They may be willing to give notice to your problem roommate early.