Mrs Heckles?

By loud sweeper - 07/10/2019 06:00

Today, my batshit crazy downstairs neighbor threatened me with "legal action" for making too much noise. According to her, it’s "illegal" for people in upstairs apartments to use vacuum cleaners, therefore I must sweep my carpets to avoid disturbing her and her imaginary guests. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 121
You deserved it 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Let them. Let them waste their time and money taking “legal action” against you lol

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

The question is did you listen or will she have to hold you hostage?


Let them. Let them waste their time and money taking “legal action” against you lol

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

The question is did you listen or will she have to hold you hostage?

Nix188 13

just tell them to shut F*** up and get over it. everyone has a crazy neighbor, you're not alone on this one.

Drai Gray 8

just ignore her, if you want to be that guy especially cuz she's already being that lady, vacuum @ 2 in the morning, nothing she can legally do about it

If you are vacuuming during daylight hours, she can kick rocks.