
By 8reth72 - 11/06/2009 14:17 - United States

Today, I was helping a couple come up with a name for the baby they just had. I suggested "Joshua" thinking that it was an okay name. All sudden, the room got quiet. Turns out I had forgotten that Joshua was the name of their 3 year-old son who had died a couple months before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 205
You deserved it 87 076

Same thing different taste

Top comments

taylerrr 0

how do you forget something like that?

CyclonePsycho 1

How do you forget something like that? He *just* died a few months ago, you idiot. YDI.


blue16 0

sorry i posted that twice accidently

I'm assuming you know these parents well enough since they let you help decide the name of their baby. And you forget this? Are you ******* retarded?

c3ns0r3dn4m3 0

well you didn't know any better right??

come on people, how many fml's do you think are actually true?

ohhhhshizzz 0

Jackasses. If you don't see someone a lot nor have met them, would you remeber their death? Or their name for that matter? My Great-aunt died and I barely remeber sometimes. Why? Because I only met her twice. Also the OP is most likely a nurse or works somewhere at the maternity ward in the hospital which would be the reason that they said 'couple' and not my 'friends.' Oh let me ask y'all this; y'all heard about the couple who were bound and killed? Or the man who was shot at the Holocaust museum? Or the little girl who is missing, and now declared dead? What are their names? Those things didn't happen to long ago. Thanks, y'all have proved my point.

mickeyy368 0

omgg! how ironic! awwww :(

GloomySkyz 0

He's not an asshole, He's not a retard. God you guys, YDI if you post those kinda comments. Anything can slip someones mind, You can't YDI them for the knowledge of the human brain

Just because someone is helping to brainstorm baby names doesn't necessarily mean they are close friends. They could have one mutual friend that they happened to be seeing at the same time when the subject came up. Or, as a previous commenter said, it could be someone like a nurse in the maternity ward.

Topguy 0

You are not a terrible person!! The people who say YDI disgust me!! she/he is human and humans make mistakes!! give them a break! sometimes you dont even remember someone who died until their name is said.