When the rain comes

By Soaked - 31/07/2009 17:21 - United States

Today, there was a 10-minute cloudburst. It started 30 seconds after I parked my car and ended 30 seconds after I arrived at the office. Now the sun is shining, the sky is blue, and I look like I took a shower fully clothed. Oh, and I'm wearing thin white pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 258
You deserved it 8 007

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wtf you had to walk 10 minutes to your office??? where the hell did you park??


de_fenestration 0
nicolexsmile 0

OMGZZZ FIRST!!!!1!!!! lets see how many people understand sarcasm..

mydogsmellsgood 0

If you live in the Houston area, the weather person said there would be rain. Buy an umbrella or don't wear white.

Same thing happened to me in Boston yesterday, except i was going to a meeting and wearing a white shirt...so it was sunny, and people thought i swam to work

Who wears white underwear? that's boring! I like the cute kind with little monkeys on it.

Isn't it annoying how those people on tv always make it seem like starving orphans in Africa have reasons to be unhappy. What's so bad about drinking contaminated water and losing your parents to AIDS? Your life definitely sucks though. You were rained on for Christ's sakes. Man, that's tragic.

haha, i was in that rainstorm too in Texas.

wait a second! it took u 9 minutes to walk across a parking lot into ur work? u must be hella slow

bACEball 0