What was the point?

By Anonymous - 29/10/2019 02:00

Today, four years after my husband passed away, my mother in law thought it was the right time to tell me my husband was cheating on me, and that they had met her and everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 857
You deserved it 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

E2dav 5

Never be afraid to stand up to rude in laws

There's such a thing as "you missed the point where the truth would have been helpful". Either say it right away when you find out about the cheating, or keep silent. But four years into OP griefing for one version of her husband is a bit late to tear it all apart again and twisting not only the relationship itself, but also OP's entire grieving process so far. And now on top of that chaos sits the thought "Why would you only tell me NOW?", it's like an entire new betrayal. Messed up.


E2dav 5

Never be afraid to stand up to rude in laws

I would have told her guess what your son hatted you’re and your not allowed to see the grandkids for a year.

bl3ur0z3 17

Would you rather the truth never came out? It's possible that it's been hard for her to protect you from this truth and she was waiting until time had a chance to ease your heartache.

It’s also possible MIL is lying just to hurt her.

There's such a thing as "you missed the point where the truth would have been helpful". Either say it right away when you find out about the cheating, or keep silent. But four years into OP griefing for one version of her husband is a bit late to tear it all apart again and twisting not only the relationship itself, but also OP's entire grieving process so far. And now on top of that chaos sits the thought "Why would you only tell me NOW?", it's like an entire new betrayal. Messed up.

mccuish 25

You could’ve gone your whole life without knowing that

Correction, EX Mother in law. If there's kids, I'd say that just cost them as no ******* way would I let them near the kids because all they would do ultimately is hurt them.

SaucierGirl 20