I miss him

By Anonymous - 24/02/2020 18:00

Today, after a 6 month dry spell, my husband was yet again “too tired” to have sex. I guess I finally found something I miss about my ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 438
You deserved it 450

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your ex is your ex for a reason. You need to speak to your husband to find out why he keeps brushing you off. Communication is the main reason most relationships fail, and yet it's the easiest thing to do. As long as neither of you are mute.

BenTen 5

Who doesn't think about a ex that was good after a 6 month dry spell....


VanTufty 13

I have the same issue with my wife! Oh the memories ...

You shouldn't be missing your ex at all even if you do have a dryspell with your current partner....

Your ex is your ex for a reason. You need to speak to your husband to find out why he keeps brushing you off. Communication is the main reason most relationships fail, and yet it's the easiest thing to do. As long as neither of you are mute.

BenTen 5

Who doesn't think about a ex that was good after a 6 month dry spell....

You need to do something about it. 6 months is not normal. Nobody is "too tired for sex". My first tought: "He receive sex somewhere else" Sure it could be something else, but you really need to do something about it either way. Talk to him, give him a nice BJ (Who would be too tired for a BJ ?) What was your sex life before ?

xXPikachuXx 21

"Too tired for sex" CAN happen. I have had people I was just hooking up with say they're too tired and ask to just cuddle. I've done the same. Sex requires energy so if you're tired it isn't as fun.

... you're an idiot. Seriously? There's plenty of reasons someone might be too tired for sex. Working out or a physically demanding job could leave you physically too tired. A stressful and/or mentally demanding job could leave you feeling too exhausted. Couple these things with potential medical problems and low sex drive and you have hundreds to thousands of reasons for feeling too tired for sex.

then ********** and next time you husband wants tell him, your tooo tired

Susan Yee 9

Poor you! 3 months was my longest! You should sit down and talk with him. Mine the reason was because he was slammed at work. He brought work home and worked till bedtime. Situation got better after he hired some assistants. Also his mood has much improved after he has more time to exercise.

Meh, 6 mos. That's not good but atleast it isn't 3 years

WistayShlaio82 13

I’m just here to count the “he’s cheating on you” people. But it could be something he’s to ashamed to talk to you about