By THATguy - 21/09/2009 04:12 - United States

Today, I was at work when two sheriff's deputies walked in. They asked me my name and when I told them, they asked me to turn around and they cuffed me. They told me I was under arrest for robbery. Turns out I was mistakenly IDed, but now every one at my job thinks I'm an armed robber. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 074
You deserved it 2 299

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fxdxhk90 0

Sue them for ruining your reputation, you could actually win a lot of money if the jury finds them guilty.

Strike1 0

Let them think that. Now you might not be the one who gets fired/laid off for fear of going poastal.


z3r0ram 0

Some chicks like the badass guy at work

Whoever thinks you're a robber, shoot them with your gun. You do have one...right?

Use it as a threat. "oh so your just gonna take my water? Itd be a shame to see what happened to justin happen to you."

zee209 0

That's actually kind of funny though. But it does suck if they think that. It must be uncomfortable at work.

Considering no *real* harm was done, I have to agree -- it IS kinda funny. Just make sure not to make any jokes about guns or shooting people. :P

I dunno...they probably think he's a badass at work.

Strike1 0

Let them think that. Now you might not be the one who gets fired/laid off for fear of going poastal.

I agree with #3.. Just cooperate with them.. &Good luck getting out of this one. ;D

moonlight_daze 8

Ha ha lolz it's kind of funny but the good thing is that no real harm was done but look on the bright side people would be less likely to piss you off due to fear of getting shot =D FYL dude

Now you can walk around the office and reach into your coat to scare your co-workers all the time, maybe even take their walets.

No, if you were released right away, everyone knows in the rational part of their brains that you are not an armed robber. However, all the women at your job have this sense that you are a "bad boy" and that makes you hot. Start nailing them before they realize that you are just a boring nerd.

Ladies, I have a couple of library books that are SIGNIFICANTLY overdue. Threesome?

Oh, plexi, tell me MOAR! I'm down for it. mercy?

Oh, yeah, When you two get down to my place, we'll all get in my bed, and to make you hot, I'm gonna rip the tag right off of my mattress! That's a federal crime, making me REAL bad. Bow, chicka, wow-wow. . . Veni, vidi, veni.

OHMYGOD!!! plexi, you're killing me! Will you even...jay walk? O_O Lol. I didn't understand the last part, which makes it automatically translate to something dirty in my mind.

Maybe you'd better lay down for this part, because it's dirty, it's Latin and it's pedantic. The original quote from Julius Caesar describing an easy military victory is: Veni, vidi, vici. (I came, I saw, I conquered.) My version is "I came, I saw, I came." Now do what comes to mind.

Oooh, mercy, the mean leather-clad librarian, I don't have any money to pay my fine, how can I make it up to you? And I'm gonna talk in my normal voice, how are you going to "shush" me?

I've been lying down all day, so that's no problem. It was useful when I fainted from the explanation. You win at Life, although I'm more of a Risk girl myself. However, you "came" too quickly. I'm not even there yet! Focus on building the plexi-plex. =)

"...The world could use a cowboy right about now Run those bad guys right out of town Round 'em up and hunt 'em down The world could use a cowboy right about now The world could use a cowboy......" That's right. now GTFO