Compression wars

By Guido - 09/03/2022 18:00

Today, I was written up and banned from playing my songs at the office. Turns out that my other workmates snitched on me because I was playing '90s rock and pop, which was stressing them out somehow. Of course, the burnout I had from listening to three straight hours of tacky Reggaeton music didn't matter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 906
You deserved it 169

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I recommend earbuds if you're allowed.

So your burnout matters, but theirs doesn't? It sucks that you had to listen to music you don't like. It also sucks that your coworkers also had to listen to music they don't like. It does sound really freakin' silly to write you up though - is there someone higher up you could ask to reconsider that part?


So your burnout matters, but theirs doesn't? It sucks that you had to listen to music you don't like. It also sucks that your coworkers also had to listen to music they don't like. It does sound really freakin' silly to write you up though - is there someone higher up you could ask to reconsider that part?

I recommend earbuds if you're allowed.

You sound very self-centered. I'm glad I don't have to work with you.

Grumpy Jack 26

I hate reggaeton so I'm totally on your side on this one. FYL and teach 'em what music is !

You played "I'm Too Sexy," "Ice, Ice Baby," and "Barbie Girl" and expect to NOT get shivved? Daddy Yankee is better than that shit. Ever since they invented Walkmans, why do people have to listen to anyone else's music?

mccuish 25

I’m lucky I haven’t gotten the ban hammer when it comes to playing music in the kitchen at work. I play a lot of foreign rock and pop music. I’d rather listen to J-rock over shitty rap and hip hop

Sounds like it's seriously time to invest in a good pair of headphones

Some of the 90s rock stuff is pretty dark, aside from that, I'd readjust your music playlist, ask them if there are any certain songs they want to hear or don't like, and you all take turns with your music