By DntH8 - 23/06/2009 07:21 - United States

Today, my little nieces and nephews were about to have a water balloon fight. I was told to take pictures. They hit me. And my $600 camera. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 931
You deserved it 11 392

DntH8 tells us more.

I'm a poor college student so spending several thousand dollars on camera is way out of my budget. Trust me. It wasn't my idea to use my SLR. And if I had had it my way I'd have told my family members to shove it and put their own camera in the line of fire.

Top comments

augustdanielle 0

Ah fun :) My little nieces and nephews would be buying me a new camera.

I have a 600$ camera and I never would have taken it to a water balloon fight. =/


so.... whoever told you can buy the dead camera :)

She should have used her own brain: little kids + water + expensive camera. It's not so difficult to figure out that that's a dangerous combination.

YDI for buying a $600 camera and not Gucci high-tops... go away

You sound so ******* stupid, 67. "Hmm.. Should I buy a nice camera that will help capture the memories of me and my family or go with shoes that will ultimately become nothing but a memory?" Tough choice.

augustdanielle 0

Ah fun :) My little nieces and nephews would be buying me a new camera.

Ooh, that sucks... but how'd you get hit? By accident or on purpose? FYL either way.

I have a 600$ camera and I never would have taken it to a water balloon fight. =/

Uh... I believe there's ways to fix that? Didn't someone give suggestions on what to do with wet electronics in the FML where the kid burried his dad's "dead" palm pilot? But I wouldn't have taken my $600 camera to a water balloon fight.

I didn't know just a water-balloon's worth of water would break a camera. >_> *reminds self of that for later*

any amount of water can mess an electronic up if it gets inside of it.

patray_angel 0

That sucks. If you were hit on purpose, then you are definitely owed a new camera. Due to the nature of what they were doing, I would imagine it is safe to assume that your nieces and nephews are not old enough to be working. In which case, their parents need to pitch in a buy you a new camera. If it was on accident, then, well, you are SOL. If it is that good of a camera, you should have been able to shoot from a safe distance and just zoom in. As in, you shouldn't have put yourself too close to the water balloons in the first place.

it's ok! if you don't touch your camera for a few weeks, it'll dry out and work fine. i was taking pictures next to a lake once, and somebody accidentally pushed me in. i thought my camera was fried, but it ended up working. just let it dry COMPLETELY.

I moderated this! Hilarious! Now its time to beat some kid's ass for ruining your camera