
By sean - 09/04/2024 21:00 - United States

Today, I got a warning at work for wearing my ear studs. Not only have I worn them the whole time for the last year I was here, I was unaware of this “rule.” I also was just told that the female employees are allowed to wear them, but men are not. “It looks unprofessional.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 501
You deserved it 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

File a complain about gender based discrimination. You'll win lots of money.

d j mom 6

that's bs. either someone had a bee up their ass that day or you have to keep your eyes open. they could be looking to 'downsize'.


File a complain about gender based discrimination. You'll win lots of money.

😂😂😂 only white men win gender based discrimination suits, the women just get fired 😂😂😂

d j mom 6

that's bs. either someone had a bee up their ass that day or you have to keep your eyes open. they could be looking to 'downsize'.