Try again

By Anonymous - 10/09/2021 14:01 - Luxembourg

Today, I spent almost 8 hours working on a piece of hand lettering art for a friend. When I sent her a preview, she loved it, but also pointed out that the title was off centre. FML
I agree, your life sucks 747
You deserved it 241

Same thing different taste

Top comments

toodamntall 9

If OP is from a country like Australia or the UK then "centre" is the correct spelling.

Another successful trolling the I'm the books, Mr. Pencil.


I hope you didn't work for 8 hours on this FML because you spelled "center" wrong. You should probably stick to abstract art. There are no mistakes there.

toodamntall 9

If OP is from a country like Australia or the UK then "centre" is the correct spelling.

Another successful trolling the I'm the books, Mr. Pencil.