By StupidBerk - 17/09/2012 23:25 - United Kingdom

Today, my nitwit son infected our family computer with some sort of mad bastard virus after getting fooled by the promise of some non-existent Hannah Montana nudes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 613
You deserved it 3 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He should have gotten the kate middleton ones instead

A different celebrity would've been better, in my opinion.


He should have gotten the kate middleton ones instead

tehaustiebear 34

I'd put a ton in her middle. I tried. :/

Those photos are brutal. Why does everyone make such a big deal over grainy, shitty celeb nudes?

52- it's not like she's a princess or anything. That can't be it.

Lufferkinz 0

I'd prefer the Amanda Bynes ones

Zooey Deschanel has nudes. Scarlet Johansson has nudes. Katy Perry has nudes. Ashley Tisdale has a shot of her boobs or one of them. Miley Cyrus has a distant photo of her boobs showing while on a horse, but it is too low a quality that it shouldn't be mentioned. She has a side boob shot and a cameltoe shot. She even has a shot of her hard nipple showing through a shirt. Google ftw? Watch out for fake links though.

AbstraktThoughts 13

92- You need help. Why do you know all of that; it's disturbing more then anything.

slimshadey 5

Im curious with how old your son is

beccaishereyay 11

I'm curious as to why you are oblivious to the fact that, no matter what age, most boys want to see naked women. It's not unusual for a young boy to be curious about naked pictures.

lovelyspyder 7

If her son is over 16, he shouldn't be wanting to see a teenaged pop star naked. Period. Can't wait till u have kids, then maybe you'll grow a brain about this shit.

Why do you think boys over the age of 16 wouldn't want to look at nudes of pop stars? Even if they are teenagers, it's not like Miley Cyrus was any younger than that when she did the show. Not much will keep a teenager from looking at any nudes, anyway. This one was just stupid.

HairyPunisher 27

38, Miley Cyrus is over 18 now anyway. Your comment is a moot point.

Yes 38, when he's older than 16, he'll be searching for milf nudes. -_-

You do relize she ain't a teenage anymore

That's why there is google and photoshop. Make his dreams come true

I am afraid the Internet is ruining adolescent experimenting... Doesn't anybody spend their free time finger banging the neighbor girl anymore, or is it strictly jacking off to digital nudity?

FilleNoir 21

57- lmfao If only it were still those times. It's different times. Not to mention dreaded friend zones and over cautious girls worried about being labeled "******" for something everyone wants to, does, or will do. It's retarded.

Hey 57, thats not fair. Your generation had magazines not necessarily the neighbour's daughter =P

A different celebrity would've been better, in my opinion.

Like the Cheshire cat? Or are you into the older ones like the cat that's always hanging around hats?

hotshot2626, actually, Garfield is more of my type.

Ahhh the stay at home cat. Perfect for the female cat of the new societal age.

hotshot2626, but Puss-In-Boots is alright himself, if I must say. The bad boy persona is a definite turn-on.

Yea I bet you'd like to tangle up in a ball of yarn with him wouldn't ya. Just split a dime bag of cat nip perhaps?

FMLKitten, what are your thoughts on Heathcliff and/or Milo?

JAB2010, the fact that Heathcliff's eyes are connected is a bit of a turnoff. And Milo is more like "that cute best friend".

stormer461 13

Deleting system 32 should help solve the problem.

Ihazleatherpants 3

Oh, shit man. I had a virus a few years back and this fixed it for me. You should ALL do the same.

I find this funny, but just in case people can't sense the sarcasm, do NOT delete System 32. That's like pulling the plug on your computer... Permanently.

On a seriously note, I think deleting system 32 would actually help the situation. Assuming he doesn't have a smart phone, it is considerably harder to look up **** if you don't have a working computer to use.

Unless you use Linux or MacOSX with a windows simulator;) then you could delete system 32 as many times as you want.

jeragonm 15

Why do you keep telling people to delete steersman 32 ? That will screw up their computer

Let's hope he uses incognito (or something similar) so you'll be spared from all of the terrible things he gets curious about! I bet it isn't going to be naked ladies only...

Agreed, I prefer firefox but it stops responding a lot for me so I use chrome now. For everything. I don't use **** so :p

alexNEX 7

Shoulda just told him to wait a few more months.

hey!!!! he wanted the BEST OF BOTH WORLDS!! ;)

What other world was he looking for?? Just curious.

Best of both worlds was the theme song for the Hannah Montana tv show. Meaning she lived Miley Cyrus' regular life and Hannah Montana's celeb life. Sad I know this I know but I have younger siblings and well fml these stupid shows were always playing.

Oh, unfortunately I already knew that too, 53 lol I was just wondering why that joke made sense in this context, other than just using the name of the show :)

This makes me wonder where humanity will be in 100 years...

Because wanting to look at naked ladies started recently

I'm pretty sure naked women pictures sketches whatever, have been around for more then 100 years. The Internet just makes it easier to find them.maybe not for OPs son. But for most people they are easy to find.

In 100 years, humanity will still be looking at naked humans... ... ... or maybe naked space aliens.

yoloswagg54 9